PWD Tenders

Tender No. Description of Work Publication Date(Website) Last Date of Selling District/PWD Div. Details
Tender/Proposal ID : 1068097 Repair and changing of Inoperative retail machineries of Schindler lift ( lift no.-02) installed at Chief Judicial Magistrate Court Building , Jashore. 06-02-2025 17-02-2025 Jashore PWD Division, Jashore
NPWD/24-25/W-23/b Construction of 672 Flats in 8 nos. 15 Storied Residential Quarter Buildings for Govt. Officer/Staff at Aliganj, Narayanganj. (Revised:Construction of 504 Flats in 6 nos. 15 Storied Buildings) (2nd Revised)… 02-02-2025 17-02-2025 Narayanganj PWD Division, Narayanganj
1070077 Development of CCTV camera, Security light, Access control system, Car parking management related works (Package W-8) (Remaining works) in 12 storied +3 basements new building of Officers Club at Baily… 12-02-2025 18-02-2025 PWD E/M Division-2, Dhaka
1070077 Development of CCTV camera, Security light, Access control system, Car parking management related works (Package W-8) (Remaining works) in 12 storied +3 basements new building of Officers Club at Baily… 12-02-2025 18-02-2025 PWD E/M Division-2, Dhaka
Purta 10-A Remaining works of Construction of perimeter Wall 18-0 height Segregation wall 4-0 solid & 4-0 grill Segregation wall 12-0 solid Boundary Wall 5-0 solid Boundary Wall 2-6 solid & 2-6… 20-01-2025 19-02-2025 Cumilla PWD Division, Cumilla
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Tender no- 1065080
1069696 Retrofitting and other necessary civil and sanitary works in building no 3 of International Crimes Tribunal, Bangladesh. FY 2024-25 29-01-2025 19-02-2025 Dhaka PWD Division-4, Dhaka correction
1070512 Retrofitting and other necessary civil and sanitary works in building no 4 of International Crimes Tribunal, Bangladesh. FY 2024-25 29-01-2025 19-02-2025 Dhaka PWD Division-4, Dhaka
1069695 Retrofitting and other necessary civil works in main building of International Crimes Tribunal, Bangladesh. FY 2024-25 29-01-2025 19-02-2025 Dhaka PWD Division-4, Dhaka
1070525 Widening and carpeting of internal road, construction of two storied stair and two main gate in prosecution building, renovation and painting of main entry gate and link corridor of tribunal… 29-01-2025 19-02-2025 Dhaka PWD Division-4, Dhaka
ID 1069837 Supply and Installation of Digital conference System, CCTV, Fire extinguisher, PABX and supply & installation new air cooler and other ancillary electrical works of Ministry of Defense adjacent to Gana… 06-02-2025 19-02-2025 PWD E/M Division-7, Dhaka
Bgrht/Ansar_VDP/Armory/2024-25/01 Construction of Armory cum Rifle Koth under the project "Construction of Armory for Ansar & VDP (40 nos at 1st Phase) " one at Bagerhat District sadar, Bagerhat . 05-02-2025 19-02-2025 Bagerhat PWD Division, Bagerhat
E-Gp Tender ID-1066218 Establishment of Complete Cancer, Heart & Kidney Treatment Center in 8(Eight) Divisional City (1st revised) One at Sylhet (Sub-Head: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 2 Nos. 2500 Kg bed… 20-01-2025 20-02-2025 Sylhet PWD Division, Sylhet
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E-Gp Tender ID- 1066218
1063001 PWDRNGPR/24-25/Dev/ACC/Purta-02 Construction of ACC Divisional Office (6 storied building with 6 storied foundation) at Rangpur including Civil, Internal Sanitary & Electrification, External Sanitary & Water supply, Internal RCC Road, Surface… 26-01-2025 20-02-2025 Rangpur PWD Division, Rangpur
E-Gp Tender ID- 1069712 Establishment of Complete Cancer, Kidney & Heart Treatment Center in 8(Eight) Divisional City one at Sylhet (1st revised).( Sub-Head: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 4 Nos. Escalator) 30-01-2025 23-02-2025 Sylhet PWD Division, Sylhet
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E-Gp Tender ID-1069712
1073780 AO-PWD-OTM:21044/24-25/Police/kustia Repair & Renovation works of sadar circle ASP office cum Residence building in the district of kushtia 10-02-2025 23-02-2025 Kushtia PWD Division, Kushtia
10 G (Civil)/2014-2015 Remaining work for establishment of 30 Technical Training Center (TTC) in different districts one at Gaibandha( Sub-Head: Construction of 4-storied dormitory building with 6-storied foundation including Civil, internal sanitary and… 19-02-2015 24-02-2025 Gaibandha PWD Division, Gaibandha vhj vv
1070068 Development of PABX, Networking System, Conference and Stage light, Air Curtain, Sound System related works (Package W-9) (Remaining works) in 12 storied +3 basements new building of Officers Club at… 12-02-2025 25-02-2025 PWD E/M Division-2, Dhaka
1068017 External Electrification Works Including Electrical Sub-Station, Generator. Overhead Line. Compound Light, Solar System, RCC Compound Drain, Underground Water Reservoir & Deep Tubewell of Hili Land Customs Station at Hakimpur Upazila… 05-02-2025 25-02-2025 Dinajpur PWD Division, Dinajpur
NPWD/24-25/W-20/b. Construction of 504 Nos Residential Flats in 6 nos. of Buildings (2nd Revised) (Sub Head: Installation of Gas reticulated system and Construction of 1000sft & 1250 sft 2 nos Building… 02-02-2025 25-02-2025 Narayanganj PWD Division, Narayanganj
City/R2/Fund/SHAMOLIMA/2024-25 Remaining Construction Works of Vertical Extension Works of to 20 Storied from 15 Storied of Residential Building Shamolima at New Market in Dhaka. 06-02-2025 02-03-2025 City PWD Division, Dhaka
e-GP-1070282 Special electrical works for medical equipment at Sarkari Karmochari Hospital, Dhaka. 02-02-2025 02-03-2025 PWD E/M Division-4, Dhaka
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Tender ID 1073576 Remaining and additional work of VRF, Chillar, Mechanical ventilation at Sarkari Karmochari Hospital Bhaban. 10-02-2025 03-03-2025 PWD E/M Division-4, Dhaka
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1075476 Construction of Jamalpur Medical College and Hospital & Nursing College. Sub-Head: Supplying & Installation 04 Nos 630 Kg-6 Stops Passenger Lift for Single Doctor Accommodation Building Male, Single Doctor Accommodation… 13-02-2025 09-03-2025 Jamalpur PWD Division, Jamalpur
1072457 Construction of Teaching Morgue and Mortuary (2 storied building with 2 storied foundation), Sub- Station/Service Building (1 nos) (2 storied building with 5 storied foundation), Mosque (4 storied building with… 10-02-2025 12-03-2025 Dhaka PWD Division-4, Dhaka
1071522 Establishment of Cancer Unit at Medical College Hospital of 8 (eight) Divisional Head quarter One at Khulna Medical College Hospital, Khulna.(Sub-Head-A: Supply and installation of Lift (04 Nos) at Hospital;… 12-02-2025 12-03-2025 Khulna PWD Division-1, Khulna
PWD/Cancer/Khulna/GD-5 Establishment of Cancer Unit at Medical College Hospital of 8 (eight) Divisional Head quarter One at Khulna Medical College Hospital, Khulna. (Sub-Head: HVAC System (Air Cooler Condition)) 12-02-2025 12-03-2025 Khulna PWD Division-1, Khulna
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