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  • Message of Honorable Minister

    Public Works Department, under the Ministry of Housing and Public Works, is the pioneer in construction arena of Bangladesh. Over about two centuries, Public Works Department, i.e. PWD, could successfully set the trend and standard in the country’s infrastructure development. I am happy to see that the department is enriched with highly qualified and experienced professionals forming a multidisciplinary team of civil, electrical and mechanical engineers who work along with the architects of the Department of Architecture. A strong base of professionalism has been developed over centuries.

    Just after taking over the responsibilities of the nation, the Government has put due importance to ensure improved performance and committed role of all government organizations to work hard and to prove sincerity and honesty in their duties and functions. The Government has to ensure transparency, accountability and integrity in performing government duties and functions.

    Being the Minister of Ministry of Housing and Public Works, I would expect that PWD will execute and implement Government development projects with due sincerity and commitment to ensure quality, cost effectiveness and transparency.

    I would take this opportunity to ventilate that the Government is very keen to build up a “Digital Bangladesh” by 2021 with the help of modern ICT opportunities. Information super highways, its radical changes and impact on the society, the ICT is now the state of art government tool in the E-governance, which is also a strategic consideration in the context of making the Government more transparent, efficient and service oriented.

    I am happy to know that PWD has already put itself in the pipeline of turning this vision into a mission and subsequent reality. It has recently upgraded its website from static to a dynamic one and set up opportunities for the citizens to interact with PWD officials through e-mail. I am also happy to know that PWD Tenders are regularly published in the website to ensure transparency in public procurement. Since technology is changing fast, modernization and high-tech facilities are being developed fast in IT, I would suggest PWD to avail these opportunities and up-date their website regularly. This will help the department to ensure better construction management, efficient implementation of their projects and consequently enabling the department making contribution toward vision 2021 of a Digital Bangladesh with the fascinating profusion of ICT.

    Engineer Mosharrof Hossain
    Honorable Minister
    Ministry of Housing & Public Works