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  • Planning Unit

    A proper planning of a project is a pre-requisite and essential first step for its proper implementation. The process starts with acquisition of lots of information such as the topography and demography of the location of the project area, soil condition, location of natural water bodies and ecologically critical areas, water quality etc along with requirement of the client ministries. Once all these information are available, a rough estimate of the project cost is prepared by applying best engineering judgment which forms the basis of DPP to be approved by the Planning Commission. To accomplish this task properly, PWD has its own planning unit under the leadership of Additional Chief Engineer (Planning and Special Project). He is supported by two Superintending Engineers who lead two Project Circles; Project Cicle-1 and Project Circle-2. There are four Project Divisions under these two Circle offices headed by Executive Engineers and supported by Sub-Divisional Engineers, Assistant Engineers and other support staff. There is one Survey Division in the Planning unit under Project Circle-1 which extends its support in carrying out the topographic survey of the project area.

    The important tasks of planning units are:
    • To conduct geographical and topographical survey of the project area for preparation of architectural plans.
    • Preparation, evaluation and processing of building projects for all Government institutional and residential building complex sponsored by Ministry of Housing and Public Works.
    • Participating in the evaluation of building projects sponsored by other Ministries of the government.
    • Scrutinizing estimates/projects for construction works pertaining to all other sectors of the government.
    • Revision of DPP/TPP for various projects in light with the decisions taken in the various PEC meetings and the Planning Commission.
    • Analyzing Works items and rates of construction which are not covered by the prevalent PWD Schedule of rate.